
Join Oak Mesa PTA and
Put Yourself in the PTA Picture

The Oak Mesa PTA (Parent Teacher Association) invites you to join us and "Put Yourself in the PTA Picture" to help enhance the education and quality of life for our children.  We know that children learn more when parents, school staff, students and the community work together.  The PTA provides our school with educational enhancements, assemblies, family fun nights, technological improvements, classroom supplies and much more!

Membership allows you the opportunity to participate in the many committees and to help out with events and programs that our PTA sponsors.  Members of the various committees are also invited to attend, discuss and vote on issues at our monthly Board meetings.  Membership also gives you the chance to vote on matters at the school’s Association meetings (generally held quarterly).
It doesn’t cost much to contribute to an entire year of educational growth and enriching experiences for our children.  An Oak Mesa PTA Membership is $6.50 per person.  For each membership, $4.25 goes to support the District, State and National PTA.  The remaining funds stay here at Oak Mesa to directly benefit our students!  We encourage you to extend your contribution to a “Silver” membership for $15.00 per person, or to a “Gold” membership for $30.00 per person.  Parents, grandparents, students and family members are encouraged to join individually.

This year’s Membership Drive will ran from August through September 30th and with the support of Oak Mesa families we were able to achieve 100% PTA membership for the first time in Oak Mesa history!  Please be sure to check out our bulletin board in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Even though we have acheived 100%, do not let that stop you from joining the Oak Mesa PTA and receiving all of the membership rights that go along with that membership.  You can join by picking up a membership envelope from the school office or click here for a form.  Simply fill out the information requested and return the envelope with your payment to your child's teacher.  Checks should be made payable to “Oak Mesa PTA”, and please write your child’s name and room # in the memo portion of your check.
We encourage every family to join us so we can continue being part of the "PTA Picture" at Oak Mesa.