Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Carnival Time!

The Oak Mesa Luau is beginning to take shape, but we need your help to make it a success. The first meeting is going to take place this Thursday, February 2 at 2:15pm in the MPR. Alison and Eilean will be providing a sneak peak into what is being planning this year.
We would like all parents who are interested in helping this year to attend.
There are positions available on the following committees:
If you work or have a commitment that day and can't attend but would like to help, please let Eilean Plumley or Alison Keung know. We can put your talents to good use.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Honorary Service Awards

The Honorary Service Award is a PTA sponsored award to recognize individuals that have shown continued outstanding service to children and youth in this school or community. We are currently seeking nominations for 2012. Click here or contact Christa Crowell for more information.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Yeabook deadline? NOW

...But we have several months left of school.  Why do I need to worry about this now?  The yearbook deadline is the beginning of March.  This is because the editors need time to review all of the pages and submit the yearbook to the printer.  The printer then needs time to print and bind the books and send them back to the yearbook staff who sorts and labels all of the books to get them ready for delivery to our Oak Mesa students who ordered yearbooks.  We need your pictures now because the yearbook staff needs to complete the pages in time for the March submission.  Yearbook pages for earlier events such as field trips, the Kindergarten Thanksgiving feast , the band / chorus performances and more are being completed now.  If you wait to turn in your pictures after these pages are completed, they will not be included in the yearbook.  You can turn in your pictures by placing printed copies, a CD/DVD, or flash drive in the PTA drawer in the front office in a labeled envelope.  You can also email pictures to oakmesayearbook@yahoo.com.

Once the March deadline passes, you can no longer order a yearbook.  If you have not already placed an order for an Oak Mesa Yearbook and would like to, please complete the order form below and return to your child's teacher with payment as soon as possible.

  You can click here for a PDF version.