Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Unexpected Check

Wow!  You can imagine the treasurer's surprise when there was an unexpected check in the drawer from Cost Plus Mattress.  With the check was a note: I give back 5% to the school of customer's choice.  If you have any questions, please call.  Along with it was a spreadsheet for the 3rd quarter of the year.  Looks like someone in our community made a purchase that paid off for Oak Mesa!  Thank you Cost Plus Mattress.  We appreciate you giving back to our community.

Oak Mesa Elementary PTA also takes advantage of other free community programs - such as Jamba Juice and eScrip.  Any other local businesses give back that we should know about?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sometimes it doesn't pay to save up

I am one of those types of people who loves to see progress.  It is sometimes hard to find motivation to do something if we aren't seeing immediate results.  One such case would be Box Tops 4 Education.  I love to hoard hundreds of box tops and then turn them all in at once.  However, this may not be such a great idea.  I just dumped a huge box of the little pieces of cardboard only to discover they have an expiration date.  Ask any Box Tops Coordinator and they will tell you that Box Tops 4 Education take these expiration dates seriously and will not waive any expired tops.  So, when you are cleaning out those kitchen drawers, don't just shove the box tops to the back.  Simply put them in a zip lock baggie and send to school in your child's backpack.  We need all the $ we can get, one box top (10 cents) at a time.

Fun Fact: Last school year Oak Mesa families submitted $286.94 in Box Tops.